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F  O  R    T  H  O  S  E    W  H  O    W  I  L  L    B  U  I  L  D    T  H  E    W  O  R  L  D


There are some people who move the world. Many of those people have been inspired by LEGOs to create great things.
With LEGOs you realize your aspirations, and with this campaign we want to display how playing with LEGOs, can not only help you to realize these aspirations, but also to help you make those dreams a reality.

in what fields do LEGOs go hand in hand with, architecture, engineering, building, and manufacturing.
These fields require hands-on real world physical applications, and of course that's what LEGO is all about, creating things in the physical world.


We will start off with a hero film and then launch a competition for kids of different ages to participate.



In this script you will see a young boy dreaming of becoming an Architect and exploring that dream through the creative power of LEGO. As described in the script we will use a camera movement where we zoom all the way into an object, and then come out the other side, transported to another shot.

A young boy walks down the streets of New York with his father.  He has his head tilted up looking at the beautiful skyscrapers, with a look of wonder on his face.  To him the world is unimaginably big.  


The boy looks up to his father and smiles with a look that tells you this was a big moment. Then he looks up to the buildings again.  The camera zooms in on his smile as it fades to black.  


Fade in to the boy building a skyscraper out of LEGOs on the living room floor. You see the determination on his face.  You see him build one, then another, and another.  He is building and then turns to his father on the other side of the room.  The father is on a computer looking stressed and working.  As the boy turns to him the boy says…


BOY: “Dad, do you think I can build these one day”?


Then the Dad looks up from his work and to his son.  He sees the buildings and smiles with a proud look on his face and gets up from his desk to join in building with his son.  The camera zooms in on the boy putting the last LEGO on the top of a skyscraper, and as it clicks the camera fades to black.


Fade in as the camera zooms out from the top LEGO on the very same skyscraper except now its on a shelf with what looks like years of dust covering it.  As the camera zooms out more you realize the shelf is in an office.  You see a man sitting at a drafting table laboriously working over an architectural sketch on paper. He looks up to the small LEGO statue and smiles. You can see the resemblance. It's the young boy all grown up.  He gets up and walks to the LEGO building, takes off the top piece and puts it in his pocket.  The camera zooms into his pocket as it fades to black.


Fade in as the camera zooms out from the face of the young boy, now a man, soaked in sunlight from a sunset.  He is standing at the top of an unfinished skyscraper that somewhat resembles the small LEGO building he built with his dad.  He is directing the workers on what to do.  Then he turns to the sunset again and breathes deeply. 


He has a look of accomplishment on his face, then he pulls the LEGO from his pocket, looks at it and smiles. He presses it into the wet cement next to him where the corner sticks out slightly.  It's now on top of a real skyscraper designed by him.  Then he walks away and the camera stays with the LEGO.




Logo: LEGO

Once the film is launched the competition begins...



Bjarke Ingles, an amazing innovative architect who built the LEGO HOUSE house in Denmark, will host the Build The Future competition. This will be a competition open to all kids up to 18. Kids will build the city of the future. The city that they would want to live.




Kids will share their creations via the new LEGO social media app, which uses video and photo to share amazing LEGO builds. The top five winners will get to go to Lego house in Denmark to meet Bjarkje Ingles. They will also get to tour his Architecture firm BIG. 




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Bjarke believes that LEGOs are a tool to become a great problem solver and creator. He wants to find the next great mind s of a new generation and encourage them to keep going, keep creating and building the world of the future.

Bjarke will introduce the competition in a series of videos where he talks about his projects and what he looks to do in the future. He will ask the kids to build and inspire them through his creations.






Since the birth of social media there has always been a place for people to share the things they create. One of the reasons Minecraft has become so incredibly popular is it's community. Kids like to create things with their friends and show them online. LEGO needs to tap in to that more than ever.




LEGO's current social media still is not powerful enough to meet the demand of kids today. LEGO will build out a completely new social media platform that is safe, easy to use, and makes more people want to build and then share with LEGO.


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